вторник, 29 марта 2016 г.

Смена пароля cPanel

Получилось так, что зашел на сервер по SSH, а в панель попасть не могу, смена пароля в cPanel:
# /scripts/chpass root '2n_sXaJ1BM4!SG'

Однако тут получил ошибку:
ERROR: /usr/local/cpanel/scripts/realchpass
Invocation changes only the system
password and does not have any effect
on other services associated with your
cPanel account, including FTP, SSH,
WebDAV, and FrontPage.  It is strongly
encouraged for you to change the
password via the WHM & cPanel
interface. You can force a password
change through this script by setting
the environment variable

Добавим переменную:

Теперь все ок:
# /scripts/chpass root '2n_sXaJ1BM4!SG'
warn [realchpass] Insecure passing of password on ARGV
Password for root has been changed

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